Chandelier Installation Services

Chandeliers are beautiful light fixtures that enhance the appearance of a home or business. They usually use incandescent light bulbs, but more modern designs use fluorescent bulbs and LEDs.

Chandelier in Bedroom

Installing and performing maintenance on a chandelier is sometimes difficult because of the weight of the chandelier and the high ceilings from which they hang.

Chandelier Hanging from 30-FT High Ceiling

To install a heavy chandelier in a high ceiling, scaffolding and sometimes electric winches are used. The supporting structure from which the chandelier is suspended from must also be strong enough to support its weight.

We recommend that all home owners with chandeliers in high ceilings invest in a light lift system. The device, which is installed in the attic, lowers the chandelier from the high ceiling with the push of a button to change out any bad bulbs and to clean it. When done doing maintenance, another button is pushed to raise it up again. We can help with the installation of such systems as well.

Light Lift System

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